I think the coming months might get pretty ugly. I also think the Senate should stop using the term "bailout". Maybe we should start calling it something else, like "the holiday fun and cheer bill". At this point, without some assurances to our flaky capital markets, we're going to see a pretty ugly holiday. Companies that are already on edge, say Sears, Kmart, Circuit City, may well be breathing their last breath this year. Without capital to stock their shelves full of new goodies, this could be a pretty lackluster holiday for them. Not a good thing when large retailers usually depend on these coming months to put them in the black. Then again, who can buy? Most banks may, in the coming weeks choose to cut your credit limits. By how much I'm not sure, but they're already starting to do this to retail businesses. With the closing of retail outlets or bankruptcies of entire chains ahead of us, how well will ouy local economy absorb this new wave of unemployed? Also, how well will we be able to absorb a potentially large wave of homeless in the coming months? This crisis couldn't have hit us at a worse time. This was a bulls-eye for the gods of peril.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Bank failures
There's been a bit of a financial meltdown as of late. It won't affect you if you're in a commercial bank with a savings or checking account that is FDIC insured. Lately we've seen Lehman and Wachovia fall apart in relatively short order. I think the next banks that may be in trouble are Fidelity and Soveriegn. I can't tell you what to do in these times, but I can tell you I will be moving into a cash position. I don't agree with the points on the bailout, and I know without it the markets will implode. But I still believe a massive correction will be better for us in the long run than blowing through $700billion. But unlike the last Great Depression, we are now in a globalized electronic economy. What does this mean? It means we'll be able to weather this storm much better than in the past. We have the infrastructure and mechanics to allow healthy companies to leverage their books to grow stronger, and absorb the weak. It's going to happen on a global scale... we won't be left to carry this burden alone in the US. Just understand, that in the coming 12-24 months, cash will be king. If you don't have any, you're going to be in trouble. If you have it, hold onto it until a clear path identifies itself. Until then, don't speculate on the market... you can't afford to right now.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I like rain

I guess having grown up in Vancouver, you either hated the rain or you got used to it, and in my case, even grow fond of it. I've always liked the rain. There's something very calming about it, and it gives the area a good cleaning. For me, rainy days are "indoor read a book" days. And the sounds of the rain... just love the sounds. Rain on the windows, rain on an upside down empty bucket, rain on trees... just love the sounds of rain.
Monday, September 1, 2008
St. Peter's

I spent some time out this weekend by myself in St. Peter's off route something or rather. I don't know really because truth be told, I was just driving aimlessly. I just wanted to find a place to practice taking some more pictures, and St. Peter's seemed as good a place as any. It's really not much of a town. It's about 10 buildings or so, and some parking.
It was a beautiful day, and there were plenty of bikers around. I mean, they were everywhere enjoying the weather while you still could. Cause from what I understand... it's September already. Oh where oh where did my year go.

Anyways, I ended up following the sounds of water and made my way to a small pond or grotto of some kind. I just kinda followed the people with towels. Unfortunately the path consisted of rocks. Lots and lots of rocks. And when I say path, I mean a random assortment of big and small rocks to climb over. Anyways, was a good place to experiment with shutter speeds on fast moving water.

As usual, have posted the images at Shutterfly. Oh 2008, you're speeding by a bit fast this year.
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