Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Too much food

Ever have too big a lunch or dinner or meal in general? Sure you have. In fact, I've just had a meal that was over sized for my comfort. There's always this need to eat more than you should, and I try to stay alert for this trap. I try to avoid eating too much per meal because it just leaves me in this super sleepy state of uselessness. About 20 minutes after my lunch today I was rendered sleepy and remorseful. But feeling sorry about the extra chicken I had won't help me. Walking a couple of laps around the track nearby will, and I would if problem #2 didn't exist.

Problem #2... why is it so hot today. The sun is out and pelting radiation here and there. Will someone please invent the outdoor air conditioner. I just don't do well in the heat, especially if it's humid. There's nothing worse than being all hot outside, then coming into an air conditioned environment only to have the cool air turn you into a wet noodle in your chair. Your clothes get all soggy, and then everything just feels too cold. Going outside is a loosing battle. You can't win.

Lesson for today: eat less chicken and don't go outside.

Friday, June 19, 2009

It's been a while

Holy cowsers, it's been a while since I've posted. Sorry... was busy with a good dash of lazy. Anyways, things that have happened since the last posting. A new iPhone is out, the 3GS. Apple seems to be pumping out revisions like crazy. The Gaza strip hasn't gotten that much better, and North Korea is even crazier than ever, but now with nuclear toys.

As for the state of the economy, still crappy. California just reached 11.5 percent unemployment which apparently is the highest level recorded in modern history. Higher than the Great Depression? Someone's going to have to check on that figure.

I was thinking, maybe around 10% unemployment is the new normal. It could be that it's just how things are going to be as we enter some kind of new territory. Seems like the market and the economy as a whole is evolving into this new form which no one seems to have a handle on yet. In the end, it's just too many people with too few jobs fueled by ever dwindling innovation.