Monday, December 15, 2008

F*ck you federal reserve

Thanks you bunch of asshats for completely screwing up Christmas for planet earth, you bunch of bumbling, retarded, inbred geriatric rapists. If you're not sure of what my opinion of you is, let me make it clear... I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU ALL SO VERY VERY MUCH! Are you guys kidding me? This Madoff blows through possibly $50billion, and no one, including the SEC was the wiser? Holy cow f*ck! Are you kidding me?! And why oh why are we printing $8.5 trillion to sell off as bonds? We're now Mexico. Thanks Federal Reserve. Thanks for making the US dollar the new Peso in 4-6 months. And why the cluster F are we printing $8.5 trillion? If I were to buy all the bad mortgages in the US, it would cost around $970 billion. I'm no math wiz here like you Harvard boys, but what the hell is the other $7.5 trillion for? That much money literally pays for 80% of ALL MORTGAGES in the US.

I hate you Federal Reserve with all my heart. I hate you UAW, I hate you SEC, I hate every last hedge fund manager out there. I don't care if you're a legit fund manager, you're still scum.

$8.5 trillion. PLEEEEEEEEASE... can we put someone in the government that understands basic math. Oh, did you hear that... yeah, that was the sound of Christmas dying.

God my 2009 taxes are going to go up so much :( I may just not f*cking pay. I didn't sign up to have assholes manage my money.

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