Monday, July 6, 2009

Avoiding iPhone 3GS upgrade

Having lived with the first generation iPhone for almost 2 years, I'm ready for a new phone. My reason for a new phone however has nothing to do with technology, but pricing. I don't mind the higher entry prices for some of these phones. What's starting to bother me are the monthly fees of these phones.

I've narrowed down my heaviest used apps for the iPhone. Google maps and the search function, Browser, iPod functions for music and video. That's it. Everything else is kinda used once in a while, but those 3 functions I do use a lot. I barely use the camera because it blows, and would want a better camera in a new phone.

So AT&T is putting me over a barrel for their service, and I've almost had enough. In fact, I'm annoyed with all of my monthly service charges. So, it's time to consolidate. I've chosen Verizon as the lesser evil to deal with (potentially). Here's the deal. Apparently they do this thing with Direct TV which I can bundle with them for a lower cost. Ok, sounds good so far. I can package my wireless and internet with them and save a bit... ok, still good. I think I still need my land line, and they said they could bundle that as well. So basically my entire media existence would be handled by Verizon. So far so good right? Well, not quite.

Dear Verizon Wireless... your phones absolutely blow. You must have employed a soggy tennis ball to choose your phones because your entire line sucks. There's no way I can move from an iPhone to whatever the hell you have to offer... unless.

HTC is releasing the HTC Hero later this year in the US. It's just been released in the UK and it's awesome. This isn't an iPhone killer but it certainly is a fair substitute. It's better than anything Verizon has, unless they were smart enough to pick this up from HTC. Look, Sprint, which has been well known as the retarded uncle of cell companies somehow pulled the Palm Pre out of it's soiled shorts. The Palm Pre is excellent. So please Verizon, fire the soggy tennis ball and add the HTC Hero to your line. Even T-Mobile has a decent Andriod phone. T-Mobile!

Verizon, if you do this, I am willing to consolidate all my digital nonsense with you. You would provide cell, land line, internet and television. If I don't see the HTC Hero in your inventory... I'm getting a 3GS. Not because I want to, but because you made me do it Verizon... you made me.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The 80's

So the death of Michael Jackson prompted me to download a bunch of his music from iTunes. I also downloaded stuff from Janet, and a few music videos. As I watched some of the early videos, feelings of how awesome the 80's were started to bubble to the surface. They seemed like happier times, and some how so much more fun. At least, that's how I remembered it and I think it's reflected in the pop culture that was left in it's wake.

Now it's 2009 and unemployment is on track to reach and push past 10%. And no matter what the numbers say, it does feel pretty bad out there. Everyone has been touched by this recession or knows someone who has. You see, it feels different in a really bad way this time. And what I mean by this time is when I compare it to the 80's. We were in a pretty bad recession then as well. Now, I don't know if it's because I was looking at the 80's from a kids perspective, but it just doesn't seem as doomy and gloomy as it does now.

So take note. It's different this time around. The old adage of buy and hold in the market, invest wisely for retirement... it's wrong. These old investment practices that we held so true are starting to turn into old wives tales. Underwater home values ensure that you're largest asset, your home, isn't anymore. It's your largest liability. And as we endure two wars and increasing domestic and city violence at home, the present just looks even more and more alien to the 80's.

So, for the first time in my life I can honestly say I have no idea where I'm heading. I'm throwing out my old guide books to life without any new guidance to take its place. But somehow I feel like I have to, only because those old adages feel so poisoned now. It's time to write your own guide books.

For all the things I'm not sure about, there is this I'm positive about. The economy is going to get worse this year. We'll be lucky if things level out near the end of 2010. Bunker down, avert risk, and watch each step.

Jesus, the 80's recession was so much more fun. I wish I could go on an Escapade.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fatty fat, fat.

Ok, looks like I didn't escape the large lunch again. Bad, bad, bad! Going to really trim down dinner tonight. Must be careful since Americans seem to be getting fatter again this year. Apparently Mississippi has a 32.5 percent obesity rate among their adults. That is one fat state. Now, I get that some people are fat or portly. It just happens sometimes. But 32.5 percent of your adult population being obese? That's like 1 in every 3 people are obese! I can't tell if this is a problem, or an economic opportunity to cater to the whims of fat people.

Well, the NIH seems to think this is a problem. Increased health care costs created by obesity may bankrupt the health care system. If you want to see if you're doing your part in destroying America, calculate your BMI.