Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fatty fat, fat.

Ok, looks like I didn't escape the large lunch again. Bad, bad, bad! Going to really trim down dinner tonight. Must be careful since Americans seem to be getting fatter again this year. Apparently Mississippi has a 32.5 percent obesity rate among their adults. That is one fat state. Now, I get that some people are fat or portly. It just happens sometimes. But 32.5 percent of your adult population being obese? That's like 1 in every 3 people are obese! I can't tell if this is a problem, or an economic opportunity to cater to the whims of fat people.

Well, the NIH seems to think this is a problem. Increased health care costs created by obesity may bankrupt the health care system. If you want to see if you're doing your part in destroying America, calculate your BMI.

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