Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daycare for adults

Ok, so when I drop the kids off at their daycare I always spend at least 15 minutes there if not more. And why wouldn't you? The rooms are colorful, full of toys, they have snacks AND nap time, and when the weather is nice you get to play outside. I'm not even going to get into the details of pizza parties and pajama day. Just know that it's pretty nice there... well, ok... it's awesome there.

So why don't we have daycare for adults? There are days when I just don't feel like going to work. I don't really want to laze about at home either. Now sure I could drive around aimlessly and end up at a mall or something. But that somehow just doesn't compare to the daycare. I've thought about spending the day at the daycare, but in the end realized it would be a bit odd. People would ask me why I was there, and I really wouldn't be able to give them a legitimate answer. The closest response would be "just wanted to see what the girls did here all day." In my head it would be, "go away, can't you see I'm playing blocks? Now get me a juice box."

Would be nice to just be able to go to a place where people would take care of me for the day. I would run up to someone with a hungry look, and they'd sit me down in front of a meatloaf. I would get all excited and tired running around playing laser tag until someone insisted I take a nap. I would be able to drink beer out of a box with a straw, play dodge ball and hit a kid named Eric (VP of Product Development) in the face, get in trouble for pantsing Christine from accounting. And at the end of this awesome day, my wife would pick me up, strap me into my seat and take me home. Now why can't they have this for adults?

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