I've narrowed down my heaviest used apps for the iPhone. Google maps and the search function, Browser, iPod functions for music and video. That's it. Everything else is kinda used once in a while, but those 3 functions I do use a lot. I barely use the camera because it blows, and would want a better camera in a new phone.
So AT&T is putting me over a barrel for their service, and I've almost had enough. In fact, I'm annoyed with all of my monthly service charges. So, it's time to consolidate. I've chosen Verizon as the lesser evil to deal with (potentially). Here's the deal. Apparently they do this thing with Direct TV which I can bundle with them for a lower cost. Ok, sounds good so far. I can package my wireless and internet with them and save a bit... ok, still good. I think I still need my land line, and they said they could bundle that as well. So basically my entire media existence would be handled by Verizon. So far so good right? Well, not quite.
Dear Verizon Wireless... your phones absolutely blow. You must have employed a soggy tennis ball to choose your phones because your entire line sucks. There's no way I can move from an iPhone to whatever the hell you have to offer... unless.

HTC is releasing the HTC Hero later this year in the US. It's just been released in the UK and it's awesome. This isn't an iPhone killer but it certainly is a fair substitute. It's better than anything Verizon has, unless they were smart enough to pick this up from HTC. Look, Sprint, which has been well known as the retarded uncle of cell companies somehow pulled the Palm Pre out of it's soiled shorts. The Palm Pre is excellent. So please Verizon, fire the soggy tennis ball and add the HTC Hero to your line. Even T-Mobile has a decent Andriod phone. T-Mobile!
Verizon, if you do this, I am willing to consolidate all my digital nonsense with you. You would provide cell, land line, internet and television. If I don't see the HTC Hero in your inventory... I'm getting a 3GS. Not because I want to, but because you made me do it Verizon... you made me.