Thursday, August 28, 2008

Asshole drivers

I wish I didn't have to drive. I wish we had massive bike trails to and from work and residential centers, so I could bike. I wish we had a more refined public transit system that wasn't full of hoodlums and crack heads in Philadelphia. But we don't. So I drive.

I wish I didn't have to drive. In one transit, I can experience multiple incidents. Like this morning. Why is it that people insist to stop their cars right behind you, almost touching you? Is it some kind of game to them? Hmm, how close can I get to the car in front of me, because that way, in my retarded brain I'm making up inches on my commute. In defensive driving courses, they instruct you to actually leave enough room in front of you to maneuver out of your stopped position if you need to. I guess this guy drives like an asshole because he was never instructed to drive any other way.

When you're on a highway, and there are two lanes, and you see merging traffic coming ahead and you are clear on your left... MOVE TO THE LEFT LANE you selfish idiotic moron! People drive like they're f*cking entitled to be in that position. Driving isn't about how you f*cking feel you moron, it's a serious exercise in control and situational awareness. Why do most people drive emotionally? Stop f*cking around and drive. If your brain is thinking about anything else than driving behind the wheel, then you're dangerous to everyone else. Chances are you aren't too smart to begin with, so don't you think texting and driving is a bit of a stretch for you, you pathetic ameoba with arms?

My favorite are these moronic punks behind the wheel that think they're driving superstars. They think they own the road when in reality, they probably don't even make enough money above the poverty line to pay taxes. Yet they'll drive a souped up car with big shiny rims and a ridiculous spoiler on the back. You know these dorks... we've all seen them. They're driving habits are just a clear reflection of them. No responsibility, no respect for others, no clear head for anything important. Please, get off my road. I actually make enough to maintenance the tarmac you're using.

There's no need for any of us to drive like an idiot. By weaving in and out of traffic, you may gain two car lengths... and cause an accident. It's not worth it. People need to just drive rationally, and honest to God, we'll all get to where we're going faster. It's better than being stuck in traffic because of another accident between morons. As much as I enjoy watching stupid people scratch their heads on the side of the road with one car upside down, I'd rather get to where I'm going to without incident.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, and YES!!!! I can so relate. Thanks for taking the time to comment in such an eloquent way on the idiot drivers who take up space on our roads, making it a hazard and costing a heck of a lot of money in insurance premiums for the rest of us.