Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kids playing

Seems like all the kids were out front playing today. Was a good opportunity to take some more shots with the D40. One thing that did alarm me was a bright green pixel on some of the photos. I didn't even notice them until I brought the images into Photoshop. I Was scared that I had a bad pixel on the CCD sensor. Looked around Google, and apparently it's common. I had a "hot" pixel. It can happen on higher ISO settings on the cameras, and they come and go. Nothing to be alarmed about. Also, in the end it's very easy to fix in Photoshop.

I like the fast picture cycling of the DLSR cameras. You can snap picture after picture pretty quickly, so it's less likely you'll miss those perfect shots. I always hated having to wait for the slow picture cycles of the point and shoot Canon I had. So many missed smiles with that camera.

I do wish I had a better zoom on the lens. The 18-55mm that comes with the D40 is an awesome lens. Just doesn't have the reach that I want with some shots... especially for those nice depth of field shots. So looks like I'll be shopping around for an 18-135mm or 55-200mm lens soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, Dave. How cute are your kids! Thanks for posting pictures of them. They are just adorable. Your camera sounds pretty nice too. My camera is soooo sloooow on the uptake I can only use it for scenery because I miss any moments with action to them (like my niece and nephew playing). I guess we'll be investing in a good camera like yours sometime before our next visit west.