Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eeeep! Needles

I was at a doctors appointment this morning. It was my three month re-visit I guess. Doc says I have elevated blood pressure. Not necessarily high or problematic blood pressure, but elevated and still not good. So I've been taking medication for it... which doc says I'll have to take for the rest of my life.

Anyways, as usual he planned on drawing some blood... with a needle. I'm usually ok with this but I still don't like the idea of getting stuck. So he put a needle in my right arm, and for about 30 seconds... nothing. Pushed the needle in some more, which resulted in more nothing and elevated pain. Got a bit of blood but not enough to fill the vial. Then we tried the left arm with more success. So I got double needled today.

So while this is happening, I'm actually feeling a bit light headed. In the past, you could stick a needle in me and drain away. Go ahead, make a blood smoothy if you want... got plenty of blood. Not this time. I'm not sure if the medication is making me produce less blood or thinning it out... but I've never been that queasy before drawing blood. Actually had to lie down for about 5 minutes afterwards, which made me feel oh so manly. So having my blood drawn is way down on my activities list now, next to getting sat on by a fat person.

Oh, doc says my blood pressure is more normal now and everything in my last blood work came out fine.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm no fan of needles either. I used to need to lie down after getting blood drawn but I'm better now than I used to be. Still feel a bit queasy, though.

Anonymous said...

Still kinda hurts today :(

Damn needle.