Saturday, August 30, 2008


Seems like more often than not, I'm getting more and more homesick. I miss my city of Vancouver. I miss the people.

Philadelphians can be so very exhausting to deal with. Everyone here is so angry most of the time... and it spreads like a disease. I even seem to have caught this nastiness, and it's not good. Doesn't make for a happy person. I can understand if you've lived here all your life, and you just accept that's how people are. Well, it's not normal... at least for me. After all these years, Philadelphia is still a very un-natural place for me. I've never seen such a conglomeration of rude, callous people. Trust me when I say Vancouver is the complete opposite. In Vancouver, I wouldn't even think to litter. Here... well the whole city is a trash bin isn't it?

Yeah, city of brotherly love. If this is the city of brotherly love... then, yeah... yikes.


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