OK, still a bit on the subject of douches... or in this case, just a plain old monster. So Israel did a prisoner exchange this week. They wanted back two of their fallen soldiers. In exchange, they handed over five Lebanese prisoners and about 200 bodies. Yeah, that's a lot of bodies. But people are mostly outraged over this winner below, and mind you, this is the happiest picture I could find:

Samir Kantar (cockmeat eating champ for all time), pictured right with his buddies, and oh so happy. Anyways, he's free now. He was in an Israeli prison for killing a police officer, a father and daughter of four. He shot the father and made the little girl watch, then killed her by smashing her head in with the butt of his rifle and a rock. The mother who was hiding tried to keep her two year old from crying and giving away their location, accidentally smothered her own child. The mother is the sole survivor of that night. Samir, you look like a monster and you are a monster. Way to make your mother proud.

Middle East... what the f*ck is wrong with you? Why do you consistently blanket my airwaves with these horrible, miserable, idiotic, in-human stories of just complete mind-blowing craziness? Is there any way that we can at this point just sever you from the rest of the human race, because it's clear to me that you're not going to make it anyways. I feel like investing in the Middle East is like buying a Pinto. No matter how much effort and money you pour into it, in the end it's just going to explode.
Another item. I think my standing policy now is to just stay away from people that look like psychos... because if the news channels are any indication, they probably are a psycho.
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