Tuesday, July 8, 2008

iPhone for cool kids

OK, I wasn't going to obsess about this damn phone, but as the day draws nearer (July 11th) I'm thinking more about it. Now, I already have one of the first generation iPhones. It's an 8gig phone that I payed about $299 for. Let me say I have been very happy with it. For once Apple didn't make a product that sucked rocks. Actually, they make pretty nice stuff. I just wish you didn't pay such a large premium for their products.

OK, so what will I get if I stand in line for the new iPhone? Well, for one there's the 3G network. The first gen iPhone works on the EDGE network, which is about the speed of a 56K modem. According to Apple, their 3G iPhone will be about 2.4x faster than the EDGE version. So, not as big a difference as I had hoped. The 3G network is actually able to transfer more data over the air, but the hardware version of 3G that iPhone uses is in the mid range of this data band. Not sure why they didn't go all out. Alright, next up is the integrated GPS. The first gen iPhone used cell towers and a database of wireless access points to figure out where you were. And pinpoint it isn't. It draws a circle about 500ft of where you could be. It's still useful but will not be accurate to a few feet of the new GPS version of the iPhone. Item number three is a slightly better screen resolution. It's almost not worth mentioning as the DPI increase is just 3. It will use a minutely better screen used in the iPod Touch for the production of the new iPhones. I dare anyone to tell the difference. Now the last item is a bit annoying. With the new 3G iPhones you will have to pay more for your AT&T service contract. Basically instead of $20 for the EDGE network usage you can now expect to pay $30 a month for the 3G data plan. That's $240 dollars more over the life of a 2 year contract.

So in the end. I will not be getting the 3G iPhone... maybe. Data transfer rates don't seem to be that much better to justify the upgrade, and there are other things to consider as well. The new 3G iPhone is slightly fatter, and not nearly as slim as the original. And as an owner of the first gen iPhone, I will get to download the new software update, version 2.0 of the OS. So in that sense, I am not missing out on any of the new software functions. And with the new Application Download function, I'm hoping to see a new bevy of interesting software toys to play with through the iPhone. Yes, I may be a bit jealous of a new 3G user. I may feel a bit inferior standing next to someone browsing 2.4x faster than I am. But in the end I'm still using one of the best damn cell phones out there, unlike those losers with a Blackberry. Only the "Man" and people who club baby seals use a Blackberry.

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