Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Do you ever get one of those people that work with you and are just clearly lazy. You know, those people that always ask you a question in hopes that your answer will align with their desire to do less work or none.

I have one... and he's really pissing me off.

In fact, I'm borderline on just letting this asshat go if it wasn't for the fact that he just makes me look super awesome in comparison.

I'm not saying you should be chugging along all 8 hours of your work day non-stop. People take breaks, they browse, they do personal errands. Honestly I don't f*cking care as long as you would at least get your crap done. Hell, I'm blogging right now from work, but at the end of the day no matter how many deadlines I have, they will be done. I'm not going to avoid them, or shove my workload onto someone else.

There used to be this absolutely horrid girl that worked here. She would send me a request for something at 4:50 in the day, and jet at 5. She would come by my office at 4:55 and ask if I got her mail from earlier today. She would then claim she sent it in the afternoon. I can check all timestamps on the mail server you stupid wh*re... you sent it at 4:50. She is one of the most useless, lazy, cocaine snorting, disgusting, wasteful things on two legs I have met thus far. How she has survived life is an absolute anomaly.

Then there's the stupid moron that would go on vacation and not alert anyone of the status of their jobs. Mostly because they were all in shambles. And these are the assholes with "many accomplished years" of experience in the field. Useless. Absolutely useless. Go find yourself a railroad and lie down, because you're useless.

We've even had someone throw their company BlackBerry at a wall in frustration because they couldn't handle the stress of the job. What stress?! You had one job to look over, and you f*cked that up so much we lost the client! She apparently had accumulated 30+ years of experience in Useless. Probably graduated Cuma Lum Crybaby.

If our economy is run any longer by similarly experienced people... I'm moving to Mongolia. No, better yet, THEY should move to Mongolia, then the Mongolians can jeer at how useless they are.


Anonymous said...

This is one of those entries that absolutely cracks me up. I love it! Not that I love that you have to deal with it. Really, I feel badly for you. But I love reading about it. It makes me feel less all alone when I am surrounded with frustrating morons.

D said...

I think these are the same people that drive like asshats, line ninja you at the grocer, are generally rude in public, kick puppies and leave you with the tab.


Anonymous said...

ahhaaahhhaaaa!!!! The sad part is I know who everyone in this sad entry is and I still think you missed a few. Fortunately I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the latest edition to the useless and lazy club but I hear promising reports on him. These people offer as much assistance in getting anything accomplished as running around screaming fire as the house burns down. But as always there is an upside, things could be worse, you could be the stupid asshat making everyone miserable or worse yet you could have enough points to have leather gladiator pants and flying board ;)

D said...

That's Merciless Gladiator Pants.

Anonymous said...

oh my bad and what is the hover craft called, lol!