Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3DS Max

OK, I haven't posted for a bit because I've been distracted by a new application. Probably be boring to most, but I really like 3D applications. I've used Lightwave for a while, Caligari Truespace as well, but I've always shyed away from 3DS Max... not sure why.

Anyways, I've made the transition to 3DS. It's clearly a superior program to Truespace and... to my sadness, Lightwave (I really like Lightwave.) Anyways, as a orientation project I thought I'd make a cellphone. I haven't wrapped my head around the photometric lighting system 3DS employs through Mental Ray (yet), so I've just used old fashioned Ray Tracing for the lighting and materials system. Photometric is a far superior renderer capable of absolute real world lighting... hope to figure that out by the weekend. Still, I have a lot to get used to before I try modeling something larger like an office building.


Anonymous said...

Very cool!!

Anonymous said...

I think 3D software is so amazing and I couldn't teach myself it to save my life. I tried 3D Studio Max years ago and it was way beyond me. I'm envious you can figure it out. Teach me, please!

D said...

I'm trying to just go step by step while making something simple. Even little tasks like combining and subtracting objects can be a bit obscure a process in these programs... but the internet knows all. So far, every problem I've encountered... hundreds of others have had the same problem with a solution :) But maybe you can jump into it again... we can knock both our heads together when we get stuck.