Thursday, July 10, 2008

Time flies

I don't know about you, but this year has zipped by me. I can't believe we're in July already. At this rate, I'm going to blink and it's going to be Thanksgiving. I really need to figure out how to slow down time. That or find another way of life because this is getting me old, fast. I don't want to be old...

peanut gallery - Too late!

Yeah, yeah... beat you to it. We keep talking these days about sustainable energy. I wonder if there is anything like sustainable living... without being a smelly poor hippie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what helps slow things down a bit, take a vacation! You can't slow down life or make it less hectic, you have 3 kids, life is only getting quicker buddy.. Pretty soon there will be a boy at the front door for Elizabeth and you will be gray, get over it. But you need to make memories that are not the every day kind. Take vacations and enjoy them, don't try to get internet service. You are forced to slow down and that is a good thing.