Friday, July 18, 2008

Staying positive

So I found out last night that my sister-in-laws husband was just recently laid-off. They have 3 boys and a home they purchased when market prices were high. But it was a home they really wanted for the kids... and there's nothing wrong with wanting for your kids. I think in the short term it's going to be rough for them. It sucks, but it's a story you hear more often these days. I don't think our economy has ever recovered since the dot-com crash. I remember just when things were looking better, we had 9/11. It's been downhill ever since. The loss of real wealth compounded by the loss of home equity has been really harsh. Mix in the war, rising inflation and fuel costs... times are tough. I don't think the economy has ever had so many concurrent problems at the same time... serious problems.

I can only hope he gets back on his feet as soon as possible. If not, it's going to be very stressful on their family... on any family. I think my wife and I may be more paranoid than they were. We do without large vacations, opting instead for small day trips. We've tried to make vehicle purchases for the long term, because you just loose too much money in the cost of swapping out vehicles. We've invested in some commodities, things that will go up in value as things get worse. But even still, I know things can still go horribly wrong at any time. It's tough to stay positive. You could try to ignore everything that's happening to be a bit more blissful... but really at your own risk.

But it's also not healthy to dwell on these things. I know if I obsess about these things, I tend to miss the good that happens. For the most part, they're little joys like watching my little boy get into that pudgy baby stage. He looks so cute and absurdly silly at the same time. Enjoying the moment of a nice cool breeze, or finding a place to people watch. If I look closely into my little girls face, and she smiles... I can believe things will be better, and that I can net out more positive than negative in life. If I can paint a perfect stroke... I can imagine a prosperous future. But I know for my sister-in-law and her family, things are going to be hard for a while. For them, the poor economy is just too real. But I have to believe things will be better for them, because I want to believe the same thing for me and mine.

... and I want to believe the same for you too.

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