Monday, July 21, 2008

Nice people

So yesterday my wife had a flat tire when she and the girls got into the parking lot. Wait, reverse a bit. They were about 45 minutes from home at a church which happens to teach language classes... and that's what they were there for. Well, she got out of the parking lot and the drivers side front tire was flat. About 8 people from the church came out to help with the tire and keep the girls cool. It was 95 degrees or something out there yesterday. Nice people. I would have been a lot more worried if circumstances were different... but seems like everything was under control. I was at home watching over the pudgy little baby boy at the time.

Anyways, after the event she gets a call from a member of the church, which suspiciously ended up more like a recruiting call. I'm usually wary of "chuch people" as they always seem somewhat cultish to me. They were wonderful people, but we just couldn't think of any way to find time every Sunday. So seems like it's just too far and potentially troublesome to go that far for language class. We'll have to find something closer for the girls. Though I do wish more poeple were that nice without having to be part of a church.

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