Thursday, July 31, 2008

Exxon not poor

Exxon posts record $11.68 billion profit. Wow, what a load off my mind. Was really worried about them, but then they announced that they made money last quarter... and not just a bit, but apparently a lot. Thank god. They must have been sweatin for a while, what with all the talk about electric cars and crap. Way to go Exxon! Good for you buddy! And totally awesome that you have enough money to buy back your own stock! That could only mean good things for you in the future right? Valuations gonna go up and up. Gonna just keep on pimping that oil well... and us dry. Nothin' says, hey people, get ready to be totally f*cked some more cause we're gonna make even more super crazy profits, like buying back your own shares. But I guess you want to own as much of yourself as you can seeing how you make $1,485.55 a f*cking second.

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