Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Eye twitching

So since last night around 9pm I've had this eye twitch in my left eyelid. Yeah, and I was fine this morning and it started up again when I got into the office. So like everyone else, I referred to the Internet before a doctor, because all doctors are useless.

Anyways, I came across this:

Causes of Eye Twitching
There are various causes of eye twitching in its serious and not so serious formats. The more common causes for eye twitching include:

  • Corneal irritation or injury
  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Prolonged staring or eye strain
  • Neurological disorders
  • Possibly Hereditary
Of course I immediately focused on Neurological disorders. So if you have an eye twitch, it could mean there could be something wrong with your brain? Honestly I'm hoping it's stress related or something less deadly than... yeah, sorry but your brain is "f*cked up."

Then I've had this blood pressure thing, and sometimes you can kinda feel the upper hemisphere of your brain... at least I think I do. Then sometimes I get this thing where your vision gets marred by these bright strands. Not a lot, but at least once a year. Aaaargh. I can only hope I don't have a brain tumor. I'd go to a doctor, but again, they're useless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I get that eye twitching thing from time to time, too. I would think it is most likely stress related. At least for me but judging by your postings, probably for you too.