Ok, I've been meaning to comment on this for a while, but couldn't get my thoughts around it... was really confusing.
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. If you don't know who she is, stop reading and immediately leave this site. For everyone else that's been exposed, I'm told in time you're vision will return (keep the faith.) So for those that may not have seen this amazing Tolstoy come to life and refuse to leave this page, let me explain. It's about a poor retarded girl who also suffers from that disease that makes you a whore (I forget the medical term.) She's surrounded by medical attendees from the Johns Hopkins University of desperate. And if you watch this for any extended amount of time 3 things may happen to you.
I'm a fan of blithering television like the next person, but this takes it to the next level. It's like the ultimate train wreck that you just can't avert your eyes from.
More often than not, this is the programming I'll come across while flipping the channels. It's a bit sad. Last Saturday I ended up watching a show called Sheer Genius. It was about cutting hair, or styling hair. I watched this because in my 200+ channels of DirectTV, this was the most interesting program at the moment. F*ck me.
I think television these days is just a big retarded person on a street corner standing on a flaming box waving his hands back and forth with huge sausages in each hand yelling "I'm pretty! I'm pretty!" While Dick Cheney and company does whatever they want.
I have to say... this somewhat annoys me. It's like a decoy for the masses so you won't know what's happening around you. For instance, today we approved $162 billion dollars to fund the war in Iraq. Mind you, this is still listed under wartime funding and not victory funding... remember the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln? Didn't realize the banner was about his morning bowel movement did you? Oh, and a Nimitz class carrier runs around $4.5 billion dollars, and we currently operate 12 carrier battle groups. On the flip side we approved $400 million dollars for new medical and energy research. $400 million, what, that's like Bill Gates mad money. Then we approved $210 million "to address the cost overruns in the 2010 census"... what? We're spending an additional $210 million to figure out why we're spending too much? The GAO (Government Accountability Office) said in a recent audit that, in the time we have given Pakistan $6 billion to pursue terrorists, there has been no proof that the money has been used to such effect. We're talking about a country that has the governmental annual budget of around $22 billion. WTF did they just spend $6 billion on if not terrorist hunting? Oh and by the way, before we bombed the crap out of Iraq they were pumping out 1.67 million barrels of oil per day. We're begging OPEC to increase output by an additional 2 million barrels a day... they've agreed to 10% of that figure. Now we're threatening Iran, who pumps out 4.15 million barrels a day (pre-bombing.) And while we're spending like mad, the House has approved a budget that will (hopefully) see a $22 billion surplus by the year 2012. $22 billion. That's just pitiful. I mean, that makes us the future Pakistan.
Thanks Tila Tequila... you blithering piece of crumpled metal on the Turnpike.
A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila. If you don't know who she is, stop reading and immediately leave this site. For everyone else that's been exposed, I'm told in time you're vision will return (keep the faith.) So for those that may not have seen this amazing Tolstoy come to life and refuse to leave this page, let me explain. It's about a poor retarded girl who also suffers from that disease that makes you a whore (I forget the medical term.) She's surrounded by medical attendees from the Johns Hopkins University of desperate. And if you watch this for any extended amount of time 3 things may happen to you.
- You are ashamed, which means you don't like taking pictures against a wet metal pole.
- You are angry, because you can't find the remote to change the f*cking channel.
- You will die.
I'm a fan of blithering television like the next person, but this takes it to the next level. It's like the ultimate train wreck that you just can't avert your eyes from.
More often than not, this is the programming I'll come across while flipping the channels. It's a bit sad. Last Saturday I ended up watching a show called Sheer Genius. It was about cutting hair, or styling hair. I watched this because in my 200+ channels of DirectTV, this was the most interesting program at the moment. F*ck me.
I think television these days is just a big retarded person on a street corner standing on a flaming box waving his hands back and forth with huge sausages in each hand yelling "I'm pretty! I'm pretty!" While Dick Cheney and company does whatever they want.
I have to say... this somewhat annoys me. It's like a decoy for the masses so you won't know what's happening around you. For instance, today we approved $162 billion dollars to fund the war in Iraq. Mind you, this is still listed under wartime funding and not victory funding... remember the "Mission Accomplished" banner on the USS Abraham Lincoln? Didn't realize the banner was about his morning bowel movement did you? Oh, and a Nimitz class carrier runs around $4.5 billion dollars, and we currently operate 12 carrier battle groups. On the flip side we approved $400 million dollars for new medical and energy research. $400 million, what, that's like Bill Gates mad money. Then we approved $210 million "to address the cost overruns in the 2010 census"... what? We're spending an additional $210 million to figure out why we're spending too much? The GAO (Government Accountability Office) said in a recent audit that, in the time we have given Pakistan $6 billion to pursue terrorists, there has been no proof that the money has been used to such effect. We're talking about a country that has the governmental annual budget of around $22 billion. WTF did they just spend $6 billion on if not terrorist hunting? Oh and by the way, before we bombed the crap out of Iraq they were pumping out 1.67 million barrels of oil per day. We're begging OPEC to increase output by an additional 2 million barrels a day... they've agreed to 10% of that figure. Now we're threatening Iran, who pumps out 4.15 million barrels a day (pre-bombing.) And while we're spending like mad, the House has approved a budget that will (hopefully) see a $22 billion surplus by the year 2012. $22 billion. That's just pitiful. I mean, that makes us the future Pakistan.
Thanks Tila Tequila... you blithering piece of crumpled metal on the Turnpike.