Monday, June 30, 2008

Baby showers r' us

Went to a nice baby shower yesterday with the family. Have to say, it was different from what I had expected. There was gift giving and cheer, and not at all like the 5 hour discussion on "female issues" as I had pictured in my head. My oldest one had fun with the other little girls at the party. In fact, she really liked them. On the drive home she asked if they were going to have another baby soon so she could go back and play at another baby shower. The baby was unusually quiet for the whole event. But as predicted, as soon as we got through the door at home... waaaaaah. Good boy Brian.

The best part about the party was near the end when we had cake... and no one noticed the little cream puffs and mini eclairs what were set out. I pretty much skipped dinner that night having my full of chilled puffy little treats... and there was beer! Ah, the perfect party.

Oh, and there was also a story about how "productive" someone could have been by implementing some slapping and typing, but I'll save that for another post :)

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