Thursday, June 26, 2008

Staying up late

I really need to get to bed earlier. I say this to myself all the time, but the reality is I'll stay up till about 1 or sometimes 2 in the morning. I get tired, and I know I should be going to bed but I just can't help myself. I was like this when I was a little kid... always wanting to stay up waaaay past bedtime. I would watch television into the wee hours of the night and sometimes into the morning. These days I'm mostly on the computer late at night. Not really doing anything productive, but just browsing or looking for nifty software or gadgets. But most of it is just filler. For instance, I think I spent about 2 hours last night categorizing music and making sure they all have decent album covers for iTunes. Then I ended up converting videos for my iphone, and trolled for some podcasts to listen to or watch. Downloaded a crapload of podcasts about cooking that I will probably never watch, and then watched some crap youtube. Oh, and I'm a bit of a sucker for imported anime. Yes, yes, these are those "cartoons". But they're more in the likes of Spirited Away, or Howl's Moving Castle. But these are series of usually 13 to 24 episodes or more... so just loads of video. The last one I watched was Denno Coil and Spice and Wolf. The first was about children trying to find their way to "the beyond", the second was about a wolf deity who joins a merchant trader after a pact they make in the 16th century, or something like that. It's odd, the Japanese are great animators and make some really stunning creations with deep compelling stories. In comparison, their live action shows and movies are pretty much horrible. When I think of Japanese television, Godzilla and Power Rangers come to mind... and that's it. But Japanese animation for me is just ripe with art. I know some of you are thinking about Pokemon when I say anime, but those are really for kids. The anime that hits their primetime (the ones I'm talking about) have movie level production values.

Anyways, lots and lots of ways to burn up time late at night to fight off having to go to bed. Oh Internet, as you mature even more in technology and bandwidth I'd be surprised if I'll get any sleep at all.

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