Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Tired.. going home.

OK, it's just past 7 and I'll be heading out soon. Not exactly a fulfilling day. I'll be honest. I've been in a funk lately that I just can't shake off. More and more, I feel like- yes, my day should be fulfilling. It's not.

I would be really happy right now if I had some sushi or tempura... the good stuff. Not something from a supermarket or buffet, or those pseudo Japanese places run by... well, not Japanese people. But I'm tired. So I'm going to drive about 40 minutes home, then microwave some dinner and spend some time with the kids. They'll want to play, and I have to play with them. After all, this time is so finite. They're at this age for a blink of an eye, and it'll never come back. I may just watch TV with them in the end, but you do need to spend time with them. After all, I haven't seen them all day. After that, I'll try to put some time aside for myself. Usually by then it's about 10. I may not sleep till 12. I just can't get myself to just fall asleep after spending all my awake time at work. Feels like you're being cheated at life somehow.

Cheated at life somehow... that sounds about right. That feels like where I'm at.

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