Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day

This will be my sixth year as a dad and my tenth year as a husband... I think. It's also been about one year since I started wondering if there was anything more to life. I also have been having trouble figuring out what "more" is. Could be why I've been in this brain loop for about a year now. There's very little adventure in my life these days, mostly because stability has been the necessity (you know, kids and all.). But in my brain, stability also equates to words like stale and deterioration. I've also been at my job for five years now. That's actually pretty long for me. I get very restless after five years, and I'm definitely past my expiration date at my current job.

So back to the brain loop. I'm now going to look for some happiness. Not just for myself, but the type you can share. I know I'm in a funk, and I've decided to stop obsessing over it. It's time I spent some real effort into figuring out what I want. Hopefully, I'll find out what I want soon.

Oh, and about Fathers Day. The most joy in my life, right now, absolutely comes from my kids.


Anonymous said...

HOW CUTE!!! Thanks for putting up a pic of your son.

I can understand and relate to everything you said about being in a funk, looking for the "it" that's missing from your life, being at the job too long past the expiration date, etc. I'm getting my therapy through your blog because I can so empathize.

So you see, somebody is reading your blog. It's the highlight of my day. That shows you how pathetic my life is. :)

Anonymous said...

Glad someone is reading :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my god he is sO friggin cute.. Does his hat fit yet or does he still fit in it :)

Anonymous said...

I use the hat as his bed, but I think he's growing into it faster now. He got a bit chubby.
