Monday, June 9, 2008

My First Entry

I've been on the net now for a while... I think, a long while. And though I've worked around the net, played on it, used it and had it use me, found it to be an essential part of my life- I've never shared on it. On a more broader note, I've never really shared at all as it pertains to my life’s experiences. I mean honestly, who cares. Out of the billions of people on this rock, who cares what one miniscule little blip out of the eons thinks about anything, about anything at all. I mean, I think eating raw oysters is morally wrong... blip.

Even as I type, I still think that is true (about the blip and oysters.) But I've found in my degenerative age of oldness that maybe my sharing is more therapeutic than anything else. Yes, that's it. This will be completely therapeutic. So here I start into this vastness of air, filling in my little breaths bit by bit.

So here goes- my attempt at self therapy.

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