Thursday, June 12, 2008

Are you kidding me

OK, in for about 10 minutes at work and I'm already annoyed. Let me tell you how my morning starts. This is the good part were you wake up and the temperature is just right. It's so perfect that you just want to nap for another hour or two because it is so blissfully comfortable. I mean lazy cat comfortable. Now fast forward to the office. And I'll list my morning concerns by order of questions.

1) Why do we give people computers? It is absolutely clear to me that most people can't use them. For the most part, it's just a glowing box to light up that stupid look on their face. How can you not know how to use Word, or Excel, or even find a file? And these are the same idiots complaining that their computer is too slow. Yeah, the computer is slow. I think you're the one that's slow you retard.

2) Why bother with office printers when clearly they could just use crayons? We have these expensive office printers that pretty much can do a million functions. We use maybe 3 functions. When they give an error message they actually draw a picture on the large LCD screen to instruct you on how to resolve the issue... you know, it needs your help because IT DOESN'T HAVE HANDS. They still come to me for help, or leave the machine in its' incapacitated state for the next person. Jesus man, the thing literally just drew you a picture!

3) Can you help me to co-ordinate because that's my job? Are you kidding me? People need to get some big mits or something to pick up the ball. It is not my job to answer your stupid blithering questions all day about your function, because I have a function of my own. And you know what, it's not to spend all day confirming in my head that you're a jackass.

Ohhhhh, per criminy piddle flip blaaahhhhh!

Yeah, that's my first 10 minutes.


Anonymous said...

ahhh... the good ol' days :) Bet you I could tell you her you are referring to!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is this "Diary of an angry IT guy"?
This post had me thinking of all the stupid requests my department gets on a daily basis. We have actually created "The Wall of Shame" as a form of written documentation of the stupidity of the average person on the other end of a computer. I have joked for years about sending an e-mail out to notify users that e-mail was down, never actually expecting to get an e-mail from someone stating the e-mail account they were using was not working. Ok, first if it's not working why would you use it as a means of communication and expect a response? Second, if it did work as a means of communication what does that say about your intelligence? I'm pretty sure my IQ is dropping just by being in the same room with half the staff in our office.