Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday, yes

When I get home, I'm going to first, change into shorts and t-shirt. I will then get myself a nice cool drink, and just sit down and smile for a few minutes. Then the rest of the evening is a free for all. I may watch tv, a movie, play a little with the kids, maybe browse a little. I will do nothing that resembles work what so ever. In fact, now when I think about it, I'm going to pick-up some double fudge chocolate ice-cream on my way home. Oh wait, no, I'm going to Dairy Queen and getting a box of Buster Bars! Yeah, Buster Bars... love those things.

I'm going to stay up late, watch those super late night infomercials and have a gin and tonic. And when the kids are asleep, I'm going to commit as many dastardly crimes as I can on GTA4 while intoxicated.

Friday, the only day I can reliably count on to make me happy.

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