Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday, no

Why is it Monday already? That's the thought that goes through my head on Sunday evening. By Monday morning I'm already defeated and in my car. Why do we work so much as a society? In those European Latin countries, I hear they have two hour lunches and months worth of vacation time instead of our piddly two weeks. In some places, an 8 hour work day is unheard of. And the concept of the afternoon nap? Sign me up.

I mean honestly, what are we doing? Are we just so much more inefficient at work that we have to do so much more of it? Are we making sure we have enough industrial capacity for world war 3? Do we just like speeding through life until we're 50 and wondering what just happened? Are we working to pay off our credit spending because we like stuff, lots and lots of stuff? And where is the payoff for all this work that we do as a society? Look at the Japanese. They work more than we do, and one has to wonder what their payoffs as a society really are. Sure they have almost no crime compared to us, but are they really better off? Yes, it would be cool to live in the technology center of the world, and experience their almost limitless creativity when it comes to consumer goods. But I don't think I want to work so hard that dying in your office of a heart attack is so common, that they actually have a term for it. I'd rather live in the Italian countryside, lying down on the grass and staring at clouds that may or may not look like bunnies. Right now, I'm sitting in my office and looking out the window and NOTHING looks like a bunny. It's all kinda gray and vomitty looking. Would be so much better on a grassy field.

Mondays... what a crock.


Anonymous said...

Ok, you officially lost the China in your Chinadian... All American you are, no Chinese spirit left. Actually you are starting to sound french? I mean that in the nationality of the "I give up" and "I don't wanna work" right? Yeah that's working out real well there! ;) Stop staring at clouds, grab godzilla and look for a new job slacker, lol!!!

Anonymous said...

French... low blow, low blow.


Anonymous said...

I experience the Sunday night depression over Monday, too. And yes, we have the wrong idea of work life in this country. At least an extra couple of weeks vacation would make the 8 till 5 or later and lots of aggravating traffic a little less stressful. But two weeks? That is a crock! It's gone in a blink of the eye and the rest of the year you need prozac to get through it all. I say, let's hear it for the Europeans!